Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Energy Take Classic 5.1 Speaker Review

Energy Take Classic 5.1 Review previous meetings with speakers energy producer, it is no secret that we think the company makes great small speakers. We recently dumped the surprising RC-Micro 5.1 System ($ 1,000), and recalls how the original energy has reminded us Take 5 true subwoofer satellite system was revised in 1997.
The new Energy Take Classic 5.1 Home Theater System Retail $ 600 and is still a direct descendant of the original "Take 5". The new system is approximately the same size, but offers features and sound quality of the construction date. The best of all - incredibly - Take the new Classic Series is designed for a staggering $ 200 less than the original "Take 5" was sold for 12 years! Suffice it to say the classic is an incredible system speaker sound offers a unique listening experience available at that price.
Design and functionality
The Take speakers and a subwoofer greatest classical RC-Micro 5.1 system, but a whopping 40 percent less expensive ($ 600 versus $ 1,000). Take the satellites and subwoofer laminated glossy black classic dress is sexy, but never as noble as the piano the most expensive system black occurs.
The Take Classic is a period of six pieces with four satellite measurements in a compact 6.8 by 4.1 by 4.1 inches. Each tweeter is powered by a 0.75-aluminum dome inch and 3-inch poly-titanium driver added bass. He will leave with only 2.9 kg for wall mounting is a breeze - you can use the space for the laptop or 0.25-inch speaker threaded insert (for use with a wall mount Omnimount). The only problem is, the speakers have rear-mounted ports, so that the wall mount is a bit "small, with the output of the speakers. The site Energy recommends that at least 2 meters distance between the speaker and the wall.
The satellite has a removable black fabric grille vaulted ceiling rises just beyond the edge of the speaker. In fact, it seems a bit "strange for us, almost as if the network is designed to expose the speaker comes with a lid.
Before removing the grille center, we went was a woofer, tweeter design of the enclosure, but it is not. The center speaker uses the same tweeter and driver as a sole means of communication such as satellite, but instead of cables to the horizontal. It measures 4.1 inches by 10.25 inches by 4.1 inches and weighs 3.2 kilograms. Wall mounting is the same for the satellite, through ports in front of the object, it is not performance-related concerns. The satellites and center speakers are plants with a stratified fiber types in black, like the original Take 5 speakers.
All stakeholders in the system have the property of convergence power source module (CSM) technology, which was originally developed for the flagship Veritas Series. CSM positions of woofers and tweeters next to each other and with one hand, a project to increase its global dispersal. To accept the mini-speakers "five-way terminals all cables end with bananas, bare ends of son, spades, or pins. Our type of complaint: the home theater enthusiasts who want to extend the system from 6.1 or 7.1 configurations with no luck, because energy is not sold separately by satellite.
The socket 200-watt sub has a reception with a blue LED indicates the device is switched on. The subcommittee has prepared a draft-8-inch woofer, injection molded part. The driver uses energy Ribbed Elliptical Surround - gum "Edge" around the woofer cone, has been cast in the ribs - the energy that reduces distortion and allows credits subwoofers play louder than the more conventional design. The 12.6-inch subwoofer diced medium is wood fiber and covered with a sheet of glossy black. Its weight is 19.7 kilograms. Connectivity is average - are stereo RCA inputs and push the President-clip - but it's really all you need.
The system configuration was SuperEasy, we decided Denon AVR-3808CI receiver bass management to 100 hertz, the sound was great. It was something of a change in Nice from another small satellite system subwoofer we have seen in the past, which require a lot of tricks for optimal performance.
Meeting to take the energy function of the classical system is that it seems much more important than it seems. A full relief that only a perfect game and receive system subwoofer satellite. The "Wayne Shorter Live at Montreux 1996" DVD of the concert jazz fusion is the kind of album that shows the weaknesses of small speakers, but in our small test sax seemed very rich, while the drummer Rodney Holmes were punchy solos and robust. This is a very dynamic behavior, which gave us the volume of the classic does not seem to promote the benefits for the mind. Just sounded better when we hear music to high energy.
"Lost: Season 2" DVD will not change our impressions on energy efficiency in the effort Classic Sound. The dialogue was clear, balanced and natural, without a hint of boxy, closed sound, we have many small speaker Center Channel. The scenes on the island is a dense jungle filled with subtle details: the rustle of leaves, making the addition of branches, Kate and Sawyer make their way through the dense vegetation and singing and humming birds and insects. All the dialogue was clear and distinct from any position on the sofa, listening to CNET.
"Hold Me Tight" Across the Beatles Musical Blu-ray Universe also sounded great. The song is performed by a rock band in a ballroom, and we loved how the whole system has been developed to take advantage of his classical surround mixing, filling all space. The five small speakers to play well together, and the definition of the subwoofer and Oomph were well above average.
Take the Classic success exactly where expensive Canton Movie 120 MX 5.1 system failure. Where is CD Lucinda Williams 'Little Honey' was light and thin with all of Canton, the traditional tour absolutely rocked the house. Reliant to consider the advantages of traditional problem-free satellite / subwoofer blend with the energy of any subwoofer. Subsystem power is also much smaller, so that we can be one of the best compact subwoofer is committed to buy.
We ended up with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, Grammy-winning "Raising Sand" CD. Many songs on this CD are immersed in times of heavy reverb, but the traditional benefits is primarily due to natural sounds of vocals and acoustic and electric guitars.
We have not had the energy RC-Micro 5.1 to hand for a direct comparison, but we are confident that we prefer the Take Classic. Their economies of scale can play harder and give better performance below. Not only that, the CR-Micro System has a soft, less glossy high, which is much less detailed, in experience.
If you really need a small system, we can not recommend enough the benefits classics. He had a good 5.1 system we have in each test has begun. This combination of an excellent quality sound in beacon almost unbelievably low price, he is passionate CNET Editors Choice "- is one of the best hands package for the small speaker can be had for less than $ 1,000 for the purchase.

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