Saturday, October 8, 2011


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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Energy Take Classic 5.1 Speaker Review

Energy Take Classic 5.1 Review previous meetings with speakers energy producer, it is no secret that we think the company makes great small speakers. We recently dumped the surprising RC-Micro 5.1 System ($ 1,000), and recalls how the original energy has reminded us Take 5 true subwoofer satellite system was revised in 1997.
The new Energy Take Classic 5.1 Home Theater System Retail $ 600 and is still a direct descendant of the original "Take 5". The new system is approximately the same size, but offers features and sound quality of the construction date. The best of all - incredibly - Take the new Classic Series is designed for a staggering $ 200 less than the original "Take 5" was sold for 12 years! Suffice it to say the classic is an incredible system speaker sound offers a unique listening experience available at that price.
Design and functionality
The Take speakers and a subwoofer greatest classical RC-Micro 5.1 system, but a whopping 40 percent less expensive ($ 600 versus $ 1,000). Take the satellites and subwoofer laminated glossy black classic dress is sexy, but never as noble as the piano the most expensive system black occurs.
The Take Classic is a period of six pieces with four satellite measurements in a compact 6.8 by 4.1 by 4.1 inches. Each tweeter is powered by a 0.75-aluminum dome inch and 3-inch poly-titanium driver added bass. He will leave with only 2.9 kg for wall mounting is a breeze - you can use the space for the laptop or 0.25-inch speaker threaded insert (for use with a wall mount Omnimount). The only problem is, the speakers have rear-mounted ports, so that the wall mount is a bit "small, with the output of the speakers. The site Energy recommends that at least 2 meters distance between the speaker and the wall.
The satellite has a removable black fabric grille vaulted ceiling rises just beyond the edge of the speaker. In fact, it seems a bit "strange for us, almost as if the network is designed to expose the speaker comes with a lid.
Before removing the grille center, we went was a woofer, tweeter design of the enclosure, but it is not. The center speaker uses the same tweeter and driver as a sole means of communication such as satellite, but instead of cables to the horizontal. It measures 4.1 inches by 10.25 inches by 4.1 inches and weighs 3.2 kilograms. Wall mounting is the same for the satellite, through ports in front of the object, it is not performance-related concerns. The satellites and center speakers are plants with a stratified fiber types in black, like the original Take 5 speakers.
All stakeholders in the system have the property of convergence power source module (CSM) technology, which was originally developed for the flagship Veritas Series. CSM positions of woofers and tweeters next to each other and with one hand, a project to increase its global dispersal. To accept the mini-speakers "five-way terminals all cables end with bananas, bare ends of son, spades, or pins. Our type of complaint: the home theater enthusiasts who want to extend the system from 6.1 or 7.1 configurations with no luck, because energy is not sold separately by satellite.
The socket 200-watt sub has a reception with a blue LED indicates the device is switched on. The subcommittee has prepared a draft-8-inch woofer, injection molded part. The driver uses energy Ribbed Elliptical Surround - gum "Edge" around the woofer cone, has been cast in the ribs - the energy that reduces distortion and allows credits subwoofers play louder than the more conventional design. The 12.6-inch subwoofer diced medium is wood fiber and covered with a sheet of glossy black. Its weight is 19.7 kilograms. Connectivity is average - are stereo RCA inputs and push the President-clip - but it's really all you need.
The system configuration was SuperEasy, we decided Denon AVR-3808CI receiver bass management to 100 hertz, the sound was great. It was something of a change in Nice from another small satellite system subwoofer we have seen in the past, which require a lot of tricks for optimal performance.
Meeting to take the energy function of the classical system is that it seems much more important than it seems. A full relief that only a perfect game and receive system subwoofer satellite. The "Wayne Shorter Live at Montreux 1996" DVD of the concert jazz fusion is the kind of album that shows the weaknesses of small speakers, but in our small test sax seemed very rich, while the drummer Rodney Holmes were punchy solos and robust. This is a very dynamic behavior, which gave us the volume of the classic does not seem to promote the benefits for the mind. Just sounded better when we hear music to high energy.
"Lost: Season 2" DVD will not change our impressions on energy efficiency in the effort Classic Sound. The dialogue was clear, balanced and natural, without a hint of boxy, closed sound, we have many small speaker Center Channel. The scenes on the island is a dense jungle filled with subtle details: the rustle of leaves, making the addition of branches, Kate and Sawyer make their way through the dense vegetation and singing and humming birds and insects. All the dialogue was clear and distinct from any position on the sofa, listening to CNET.
"Hold Me Tight" Across the Beatles Musical Blu-ray Universe also sounded great. The song is performed by a rock band in a ballroom, and we loved how the whole system has been developed to take advantage of his classical surround mixing, filling all space. The five small speakers to play well together, and the definition of the subwoofer and Oomph were well above average.
Take the Classic success exactly where expensive Canton Movie 120 MX 5.1 system failure. Where is CD Lucinda Williams 'Little Honey' was light and thin with all of Canton, the traditional tour absolutely rocked the house. Reliant to consider the advantages of traditional problem-free satellite / subwoofer blend with the energy of any subwoofer. Subsystem power is also much smaller, so that we can be one of the best compact subwoofer is committed to buy.
We ended up with Robert Plant and Alison Krauss, Grammy-winning "Raising Sand" CD. Many songs on this CD are immersed in times of heavy reverb, but the traditional benefits is primarily due to natural sounds of vocals and acoustic and electric guitars.
We have not had the energy RC-Micro 5.1 to hand for a direct comparison, but we are confident that we prefer the Take Classic. Their economies of scale can play harder and give better performance below. Not only that, the CR-Micro System has a soft, less glossy high, which is much less detailed, in experience.
If you really need a small system, we can not recommend enough the benefits classics. He had a good 5.1 system we have in each test has begun. This combination of an excellent quality sound in beacon almost unbelievably low price, he is passionate CNET Editors Choice "- is one of the best hands package for the small speaker can be had for less than $ 1,000 for the purchase.

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Klipsch Mirage Nanosat 5.1 Speaker Review

Mirage Nanosat 5.1 It is safe to say that it looks like the home theater Mirage Nanosat 5.1 does not resemble any type of market scope subwoofer satellite combination. While the draft box front speakers, speakers Nanosat are designed to produce a ratio of 30 per cent directly and 70 percent of reflected sound. The head of the direct sound, direct to mobile phones, while the remaining 70 percent to hit the walls and ceiling before finally the listener. Mirage introduces this type of omni-directional technology - the company calls Omnipolar - in 2002 with the original speaker Omnisat. We have recently excited the other Mirage Omnipolar system, the MX 5.1 Home Theater System ($ 1,200), but the 5.1 new features Nanosat large satellites and a subwoofer wider. Incredibly, the larger system, with a price significantly below $ 800. Better yet, the system for 800 euros still seems better than $ 1200
Design and functionality
The Nanosat 5.1 system has five satellite speakers and a subwoofer. The system has no speakers dedicated center channel, but you get five identical satellites, which produce a better experience for a system with its facade surrounding the center and surround. Nanosat each speaker is 5.8 inches and weighs 2.9 kilograms.
Speakers conventional box should be the engine on their front speakers and projects sound mounted in the front. Titanium Nanosat 2.75 cm / polypropylene mid-woofer and tweeter Titanium 0.75 cm hybrids are subject to baffle speakers. Top of the House is not the only factor in the spread of the MX is omnidirectional, like the form OMNIGUIDE, which uses two bumpers, the function. A small curves of participation is above the tweeter, and the other half of the deflector driver low. Noise Project bumper directly into the phone, while creating a model of radiation from 360 degrees to reflect the sound of your room walls, ceilings and other surfaces.
The dome-shaped mesh speaker Nanosat perforated metal is covered with black cloth. Instead of nails or clips on the grid is magnetically to the speaker, click on the easy, if re-attached.
We believe that the pod-Nanosat a more refined look and feel like satellites black plastic found in the MX system. The case in matte black plastic and brushed aluminum design much more attractive. In view links Nanosat speakers with gold-plated connectors Binding Post, bananas, spades, pins or bare son accept stripped ends.
Each of the five satellites was met with a wall mount metal swivel. If mounted in the rear channel surround more than 6 feet above the ground, Mirage recommends the installation of speakers in the head. Thus, projecting the sound down and out. If you're not going to the wall or on a shelf, then the mountain, you can use the MS-STB-1 Mirage pedal.
If you have a 6.1 or 7.1 channels to use, are satellite speakers Nanosat additional approximately $ 125 available. If you already have a subwoofer, you can buy the package of five speakers Nanosat $ 550. Meanwhile, the five speakers Nanosat Prestige system includes a dedicated center speaker.
The subwoofer has a Mirage S8 shot 8-inch woofer and built 75-watt (300 watts peak) amplifier. The half-flight mobile is fairly simple, but gently rounded edges and are painted in black satin with a gesture. Connectivity is the only level inputs and stereo RCA line spring clip stereo connections limit level speaker.
The subwoofer is 11.7 centimeters high and 13.5 centimeters wide and 13.5 inches deep and weighs 20.1 kg. Very well built, but not the inert atmosphere in the sub-MM-6, which comes with much smaller MX 5.1 systems.
We recommend using the Nanosat 5.1-channel receiver, subwoofer settings are adjustable cup allows (some recipients of 80 or 100 Hartz solid). Mirage offers no option specifies that the cross, which allows us to 120 Hz
With the lights in the room to complete the system of five satellites, literally disappearing sound sources. Under traditional speakers, you can always tell where the sound, but this is not the case Nanosat speaker. I think his rebounding / technology creates a true immersion, which fills the room sound. CNET heard in the middle room, which would certainly not use a matrix to 7.1 channels in the front-to-back complete surround sound.
This means that some listeners in May found that the system does not focus the image. First, it is sweeter than the final Technology ProCinema 800 satellite / subwoofer - a unit capable of identifying the specific image.
Seeing the "From The Basement" DVD of music to find the sound quality well above average. When Sonic Youth played a few songs, not just hear the sound of instruments, but also of the band were really fill the store "on the application of the three channels in front of us produced a remarkable depth and dimension. This has become even more evident under conditions of low-Acoustic Music PJ Harvey.
It does not preclude action films of our joy with the system, such as noise and machinery for spinning, the antics of "King Kong" has been very dynamic. We wrote some of which the mixture of 5.1 points Nanosat system of satellites and a subwoofer. Not just once, we could hear the subwoofer as a separate audio source. Although the system of tonal balance is neutral on the warm side, easy to handle prevents the subtle and refreshing sound you have heard of some smaller systems in the past.
We enjoyed listening to the stereo, but as the smallest Mirage MX 5.1, speakers, stereo images may not be a good work place. Phantom Center is like a song you hear is rather vague. In other words, we handed in the search for the width of the stereo image larger than the current position of the front left and right. In addition, we found that the largest system Nanosat sounds better than the smaller system, MX, when you play at high volume.
Mirage Nanosat 5.1 system seems really surround sound performance. The way that creates a thrilling, enveloping sound image can be reproduced with box systems like good speaker. In addition, the Nanosat 5.1 has a soft sound so sophisticated, easy to listen long.
For the money, the 5.1 Mirage Nanosat one of the best lifestyles, "" satellite / subwoofer we've heard. Even if it is a roughly $ 800, steal, are small but a 5.1 sound systems must also consider the classical energy, which is available for $ 400. But do not expect to reproduce the omnidirectional Nanosat.

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Klipsch HD Theater 500 Speaker Review

Klipsch HD Theater 500 Only a few manufacturers of loudspeakers know much about his real cinema as Klipsch. Headquartered in Indianapolis, the company began cinema speakers for decades before the word "home" and "theater" have always uttered in the same sentence together. However, for better or for worse, if the market within the company, the reputation of being expensive. Klipsch is hoping to change that perception with the new series of HD home cinema. HD Theater 500, half the package in the range of products for about $ 600. Therefore, it is one the best satellite / subwoofer package ever offered by the company. With 8-inch 100-watt subwoofer coupled system, the HD 500 is an American general during the fine would have been happier with his interpretation of the film that his musical ability. Trump May is not as low cost and medium-conventional energy, which hit 5.1 system in this category.
Design and functionality
The HD 500 is a set of six (5.1) consists of four satellite speakers, speakers, center channel and a subwoofer. The curved cabinets are a combination of satin and gloss black finish with removable grille cloth black.
The satellites measure 6 inches tall and spreads to the central chamber, 9 cm wide. The satellites and center speaker with a horn tweeter, 0.75-inch aluminum dome and a 2.5 inch woofer. Remember the speakers of the massive film industry, Horn-loaded tweeters as an inverted cone. Help the project focuses tweeter frequency range of high frequencies with less space between the floor and ceiling considerations that traditional box speakers. This composition ensures a better and more precise image.
The center speaker uses two 2.5-inch woofers flanking the tweeter. All speakers are molded in ABS plastic - the sound is enough - if it is not as impressive and up to 600 final technology ProCinema injection molded mineral-filled polymer cabinets.
Satellites with plastic adjustable wall mount kit allows up to 40 degrees of lateral movement. So you can point the speakers at the listening position for best performance. Speakers Center channel can be wall mounted or inserted in the rubber provided. Furthermore, Klipsch has reason is optional for use with all stakeholders in the system.
Speakers plastic spring, late administration will not accept bananas, then you must use the cable ends with pins or bare son. I really do not think that the spring clip belong to a set of speakers $ 600 - Why do not more secure and reliable connection as a screw or bananas.
The black drop "Pica" vinyl, subwoofer wood fiber has been designed with a rear mounted port medium. An 8-inch fiber-composite woofer is mounted on the motherboard and a 100-watt amplifier is located inside the house. This is a small window, but the rounded corners add a touch of design. The connectivity allows speakers and a line of subwoofer-level stereo (RCA). In general, a low of 13.9 cm and 12.5 cm deep 12.5 cm wide and measures.
HD 500 theater setup goes without a hitch. The manual recommends a 150-Hertz-to-satellite subwoofer crossover adjustment, and that's exactly what we are with our Denon AVR-3808CI receiver used. We note that a crossover setting of 120 Hz is also acceptable. However, all recipients of the settlement management crossover frequency, or options, so if you plan to buy the 500 HD Theater Control, and see if the receiver supports this feature. A quick word on the volume knob on the subwoofer: We found very sensitive, so that even small movements made important changes in the volume.
When the satellites on a shelf, be sure to use the chopsticks on rubber pads on the bottom of the speaker. We missed out first, and as the film does not work, so that the speakers actually moved from its position. With the pads installed, were appointed rapporteurs.
The theaters of 500 models of HD in the center of the line HD Theater. 300 HD Theater ($ 400) uses satellite speakers same as HD Theater 500, but has a small 6.5-inch subwoofer. HD Theater 1000 (900 dollars) is equipped with large satellites and subwoofer.
We order the "Body of Lies" Blu-ray HD 500 Sonic theater skills. Leonardo DiCaprio stars as CIA agent who must hunt, the mastermind behind a wave of terrorist attacks. The dialogue was clear when the bombs exploded and the heavy shot rebound from the surround speakers. The full HD Theater System 500 DiCaprio brought a unique environment as the Bad Boys to the lively street scenes.
Satellites to the subwoofer of the match is very good, difficult to achieve, with Small Satellites are in HD Theater 500. Bass performance was strong and powerful, but it has never been bloaty or roaring.
New DVD of jazz guitarist Mike Stern, displays "New Morning: The Paris Concert" HD Theater 500 pages of music. Stern incisive rhythm section of bags at once, making it difficult to believe that everything was the sound of lifestyle, a system easily. The purity of sound above par, while blinded Star Fleet fret fingers at each corner.
"Cat Power's Jukebox" CD - when in Stereo - produced a huge sound, but detailed. The main constraint in stereo, the volume of sales opportunities, as has been recognized for some "stress and distortion, if we are in the system. The String Orchestra "birth" of the soundtrack CD and a few "hard, although we felt a moderate level.
If a system HD Theater 500 is in its category and price, which is the Energy Take Classic. Take the classic black gloss finish is nice and high style, and although they were not in the hands of a direct comparison, we think it sounds better than HD Theater 500 Our main reasons for this conclusion because that the benefits Classic Home Cinema Accelerated action movies more easily. Also produces energy, low noise impressive subwoofer, while more sophisticated satellites, which entered service in our tests with classical music.

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Onkyo SKS-HT870 Speaker Review

Onkyo SKS-HT870 Onkyo is known by speakers with experience, even if it is above all a spokesman for the company. Because the success of selling a Onkyo home-theater-in-a-box systems (HTIB) system, a speaker and an AV receiver to combine in one area, with some of the confusion to build his system. The Onkyo SKS-HT870 is a 7.1 system speaker, which is sold under the Onkyo HT-S7200 HTIB, but also available separately. If the acquisition of blocks with most speakers home theater is not worth separately, the SKS-HT870 is an exception, with excellent sound quality thanks to its low price. Our only complaint about the SKS-HT870 is that it is square and a little "difficult, especially when compared with a system similar to conventional energy. However, if you tried to optimize the audio performance of a budget - and not mind about the SKS-HT870 - the SKS-HT870 is an excellent choice.

Design and functionality
The SKS-HT870 has a pair of slender tower speakers, a speaker dedicated center channel, four surround speakers and a subwoofer. This is a cheap, but as with previous generations of Onkyo speaker systems, the SKS-HT870 is an incredible value.
The eight pieces of cabinetry basic functional wood fiber, wood-grained finish and black and the speakers have removable black cloth grille. The towers and center speaker with its panels of glossy black top and sides attached (are) each. Newsletters bases metal towers must be packaged separately, instead of four screws each, and if you mount the speakers, check the rear-mounted, low to enhance maritime security. You'll see Onkyo engineers are in total interior volume of speakers to their low production potential () to do some laps of home theater to maximize the same thing.
Bases, the towers are 10.3 inches in diameter and is 41.3 centimeters tall, the center speaker is 16.9 inches by 4.5 by 4.75 and surround speakers with 4, 5 9.1 inches by 3, 75 each. The towers and center speaker are two-way design with two 3.25-inch woofer and a 1-inch tweeter equipped. The surround speakers have a 3.25-woofer inch, but no tweeters.
Speaker terminals are spring-type clip, just the bare wire ends or cables with pin connectors. In any case, do, spring clip, while ensuring that the containment of cables so that they fall with a slight shock. We prefer bananas, but they are probably too expensive to be used this system at affordable prices.
The subwoofer Thurs gloss black baffle provides a noble, a major port in the baffle small increases for the 10-inch downward firing subwoofer delivered. 290-watt amplifier drives the woofer and the guest SUB raise a single line-level RCA and a volume control. Measuring 19.9 by 16.2 centimeters to 10.8 is considered the sub-scale model, which weighs 25.6 kg. The cabinet is well built, but when we wrapped her fingers against the sides or top of the house does not feel tight and more costly. In addition, no surprise, as part of an affordable 7.1-channel speaker / system subwoofer, the SKS-HT870 is a great offer.

To carry out our listening tests, that couples SKS-HT870 with our reference Denon AVR-3808CI AV receiver. The first thing we found was the SKS-HT870 sound not all negative. We rarely say that packages the best speakers are terribly inconvenient or too aggressive tweeter subwoofer, or both.
The SKS-HT870 sounds good, even if the surround speakers lack tweeters, the sound quality was very consistent throughout the seven speakers. The subwoofer is so good, speakers not only thinking about the sub too consistent, and it is always a good sign.
We were so sure of the SKS-HT870 skills, manages the chase scene opening of "Quantum of Solace" have Blu-ray and blown by the sound. James Bond drove his Aston Martin at the border and the sounds of horses and energy radiation SKS-HT870 fire were much more powerful. Shock and Awe dynamics were good, but not as irresponsible as you can about our Aperion Intimus 4T Hybrid SD 5.1 speaker system with subwoofer ($ 1569 MSRP ) if it is a great receiver.
The SKS-HT870 speaker central joint treaty with the delicacy of the task dialog was clear and clean. Concert-DVD and Blu-ray has shown talent filling the SKS-HT870 speakers front and rear. Spatiality of the sound, free floating speaker is the kind we associate with more expensive systems.
Low Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker on drums, the "Cream Royal Albert Hall" DVD does not lack visceral impact of serious and decent definition of what. Tasty guitar lines of Eric Clapton was warm and soft. Yes, if we want to push the volume too far from the SKS-HT870 sound diluted, and it became difficult. Turn the volume a little easier. "
CD seemed as good as DVD and Blu-ray, the "correction" of the SKS-HT870 with all types of music clearly. We have heard all the CDs in stereo, with only the front speakers and subwoofer and the room was large with a good sense of depth. The SKS-HT870, the subwoofer does not have the bold stroke and the expansion of serious subtitles Scale of higher prices, but this was an excellent speaker system to play. This seems to be a commitment to intelligent design ourselves.
Although not directly comparable with the SKS-HT870 Speaker Energy 'Take Classic 5.1 Speaker System, Onkyo system has the scale, Play It Loud, leaves you with less distortion in the great outdoors. Still loving the energy system, which can be done, but it is more suitable for environments smaller. The two power systems and Onkyo are strongly recommended.

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Aperion Intimus 4T Hybrid SD Review

Aperion Intimus 4T Hybrid SD An example is the Intimus 4T Hybrid SD. In addition to offering the lowest ever Aperion Center (4C) and satellite surround speakers (4B), the package includes speakers 4T single tower for front left and right. However, the "tower" is a bit "misleading about 34 inches high 4TS only 5 cm wide and 7.5 cm deep (sitting on a base for better stability, which are slightly larger: 8, 25 10). You do not have massive, over speaker - and does not require or find a specific area of conservation. through the system and 8-inch subwoofer Bravus (some design improvements since that He took the last time). The system costs $ 1569 website at Aperion Audio.
All speakers Intimus 4T Hybrid SD share the same 4-inch woofers woven fiberglass dome tweeter and silk, 1-inch. The 4T tower and 4C center speaker feature a pair of 4-inch woofer, while the 4B satellite has one. We found it appropriate to create the entire Intimus 4T Hybrid SD-tone system, the five speakers exceptionally well. Says with headspace. Similarly, the advantage of dual speaker, tower design was anything but subtle. He all posts metal binding provide a secure connection with son naked, spades or bananas.
The 4C center speaker is just 5.33 cm tall and 12.8 cm wide and 5.5 cm deep and 4B is even more compact - is 8.75 inches high and 5.33 inches wide and 5 5 cm deep. The feeling of solidity and build quality cabinets is very impressive. Aperion real cherry wood veneer and shiny black surfaces are equal with high-end loudspeakers costing more than double the price Aperion. All the speakers have removable grille in black cloth. Stands for floors and walls and ceilings to receive Aperion satellite and center speakers.
The subwoofer Bravus 8D
8D subwoofer Bravus has an 8-inch woofer aluminum on each side of the cabinet (both covered with removable black grille) and an amplifier of 150 watts. The 33-pound sub comes with four metal "Spike" on his feet and a series of tips rubber membrane. The subwoofer is 13 cm high and 12 cm wide and 12 cm deep.
The Cabinet consists of 0.75 inch thick High Density Fiberboard, Cross-braced for additional rigidity. Connectivity options include a stereo line-level input and LFE plus speaker level inputs. The subwoofer sophisticated music, cinema and game modes, each of which has its factory settings on a small LCD screen on the front panel to adjust integrated. Adjustments can be made via a platform next to the screen or the size of the credit card remote included. With a subwoofer distance is a great advantage, because often you want to adjust volume in different sources, but is always a pain to do from the sofa.
The menu, you can optimize the parametric equalizer to help with difficult problems of room acoustics. Okay, but unlike other boats with Auto-EQ, Bravus EQ is completely manual. You really know what you do and use a meter (like Radio Shack, 33-4050) and a CD or DVD with test tones in the room with potential optimization sub. On the positive side, Aperion fixed two problems we saw in an earlier version of Bravus 8D: the LCD screen is now much more readable and integrated platform to control respond much better.
The configuration and warranty details
Aperion products are only available on the web site of the society where they are sold with money from 30 days money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the speakers and subwoofer, Aperion will pay for the return. Also noteworthy: the speakers with a 10 year warranty - double the time that most speakers are not guarantees.
The Intimus 4T Hybrid SD is a 5.1 system, so if you run a theater of 6.1 or 7.1 Channel Home, then you need to buy additional 4B satellites for $ 130 each. Aperion Intimus 4T Hybrid SD Intimus 4T update the SD Grand replace the rear speakers with 4T towers (four rounds of mini 4T, 4C is a center channel and subwoofer 8D Bravus). Which pushes the price of $ 400 to $ 1959 for the system to 5.1 channels. We thought it might be useful if you have lots of music multichannel SACD and DVD-Audio - and now Blu-ray. In addition, the use of the full range of surround speakers sometimes experience more satisfying home theater experience.
I heard the towers 4T subtle stereo with CD soundtrack of the movie Perfume. The score was the weight of the size of the body and I expect to be twice as tall as the towers 4TS. 4TS We compared the short-5B satellite speakers found in the Aperion Intimus 5B Harmony SD. Biggest 4T was not immediately clear - mini-tours of his "most important was balanced with a rich medium.
He demonstrated his music a cappella CD Sing 4T midrange persuasion Beatles were certainly up to it. John Mellencamp's Life, Death, Love and Freedom CD pressed very good, to some extent. As such, players can play so hard, but at a certain volume to listen to the crime. Turn on the receiver for Dolby Pro Logic IIx surround helped, and he could play the system robust enough to satisfy our desire for volume.
The transition to oral Shakira, Fixation Tour Blu-ray, immediately noticed the Intimus 4T Hybrid SD speakers did an excellent job to create a room filling sound. The front-to-back image has been well above their face value, so that I can hear the applause of the public space between the front and rear.
We concluded with the Kingdom of Heaven Blu-ray. The center speaker is small is not the narrow, closed the sound we associate with small towns are not - a bit '. Male and female voices were natural and balanced. The sandstorm in the desert sequence of whipped cream is an illusion, activating all the channels of sound and images without Intimus 4T Hybrid SD in the center. The fight against the sword of metal, sounds and clashes demonstrated the virtues of 1 inch tweeter Aperion.
The Intimus 4T Hybrid SD is a failure of the system drive. The compact dimensions are adapted in most rooms and decoration, and the sound is quite high standards of Aperion. In all, nearly $ 1,600 asking price in trading here is absolute quality speaker system you get. We recommend it.

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Definitive Technology ProCinema 800 Speaker Review

ProCinema800 Earlier this year, we tested 600 pieces Definitive Technology ProCinema System Six satellites and subwoofer was impressed, but with reservations. This time, we hope that the ProCinema 800 At first glance one might think that, given almost a twin of the previous regime, but do not agree with all the satellites and subwoofer with smaller systems. While the ProCinema 600 is the entry level on up to 800 systems ProCinema, we tried to come here with four ProMonitor-800 satellite speakers, a ProCenter 1000 center speaker and a subwoofer Prosub 800. The speakers are sold separately for a total of $ 1,200 (piano black or white glossy finish), but ultimately just a packet must make to the shopping experience convenient.

When we launched the system we have found the injection of the satellite, no box-shaped mineral filled polymer cabinets had more plastic typical high-end or even medium term feel strong wood fiber. Final cabinets and technologies to improve internal ribs of a curvilinear shape to optimize sound quality. Form-mesh installation and removable speakers front upper panel satellite front and sides of the center speaker. All speakers have a solid metal collars.

With your grill you might think, to 8.3 cm wide ProMonitor 800 satellites only a standard speaker and tweeters. Remove the grid and you have something more monitors to 1 dome tweeter and 4.5-inch aluminum-inch mid / speaker, there is a 4.5-inch "low pressure plate radiator" at the top that the production of bass loudspeaker small increase in production. If you want to extend the system to a setup 6.1 or 7.1, 800S, the ProMonitor sold separately for $ 145 each.

The 14, 25 inches ProCenter 1000 center speaker doubles in Sonic the satellite, with two 4.5-inch drivers and a pair of matching liabilities under the radiator support - one on each side. The 1-dome tweeter aluminum thumb in the center speaker, directly between the range of two halves. The ProCenter 1000 is available separately for $ 220

Featuring all four satellite speakers have removable media bench, and the speaker Center Channel has a rubber tip income of the platform assembly. The speakers can be on the wall with cracks or ProMount 80 final ($ 40/pair mounted) wall mounts. Alternatively, you can use ProStand definitive 600/800 ($ 100/pair) is used.

The 800 is a conventional subwoofer Prosub with satin finish (black and white), cardboard box, medium density. It measures 12.8 inches high and 10.3 wide and 15.75 deep. The side of the control unit of volume is more convenient than the rear usually mounted shift controls. The subcommittee is sold separately for $ 400.

The Prosub 800 has a first firing 8-inch woofer, ably assisted by a knock-down 8-inch "infrasonic radiator. The integrated 300-watt high-current amplifier uses costly metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor output ( IC). Connectivity includes an unusual feature: high-pass filtered speaker outputs that can be used with speakers Definitive Technology Satellite. There are also speaker level input and LFE input.

The smaller ProCinema 600 requires non-conventional method of connecting (via the subwoofer) sound your best, but you should experiment with the ProCinema 800 We have all speakers connected directly to the LFE input our Denon receiver on the subcontinent. We set up headed by Denon / crossover to 120 Hz ProCinema 800 was super easy and sounded good, without additional tinkering from us.

The Prestige Blu-ray, with Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman as rival magicians cast completely immersed in his magic ProCinema 800 with bold scenes with a woman in a bathtub filled with water glass is an error. The men used an ax to break the shell and the sound of repeated strikes were startling. When he finally breaks the ice and water flow ProCinema 800 captured every detail, including dialogue. Male and female voices seemed natural, without feeling a little "boxiness" We sometimes small center speaker.

Then we headed to the House of Flying Daggers Blu-ray for an exchange of fire between the ProCinema 800 and the Boston Acoustics MCS 130 5.1 speaker package. The circle of drums now famous breakfast scene in a picture of good health MCS Low 130 was very deep and powerful, but a change to the ProCinema 800, according to the definition was adequate and clean. In addition, the AS / underwater mix was perfect ProCinema system 800. Oomph exceeded its dynamic system to Boston.

Many movie sword fights were exciting the MCS 130, but we believe that the metal-metal sounds of struggle and sounded a bit boring ", the ProCinema 800 resolved more details on the heights of brilliant, so swords seemed more realistic. In addition, we found, after hearing the sound of a sword fighting resumed later in the palace with the ProCinema 800 MCS-130 was less clear than the guests. (To be honest, the Boston is available for approximately one third of the cost of the final episode.)
We were faced with the Black and Blue The Rolling Stones CD. Half of 1970 was treated with a mixture of rock and ballads and Raunchy ProCinema 800 times with ease. Some of the smaller SA / subsystems stereo reliable malnourished, but ProCinema 800 was just as full-bodied stereo and Pro Logic II

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